Tailor-made training programmes are provided for volunteer-involving organization.
The training series include volunteer orientation on basic concepts, service skills training, leadership enhancement and volunteer service management.
Area of Trainings
- Volunteer Basic Concept Training
- Volunteer Service Skills Training
- Leadership Training
- Volunteer Service Management
- Risk Management in Volunteer Service
- Sharing on Volunteerism by the Hong Kong Volunteer Award Winner (Free)
Profile of The Hong Kong Volunteer Award Winners (Chinese Version Only)
On-line Application (Chinese Version Only)
Application Form / Online Order (Chinsese Version Only)
Training Content Brochure (Chinsese Version Only)
Training Team (Chinsese Version Only)
Training Fee (Chinese Version Only)
Enquiries and Contacts:
Tel: 2865 2520
Email: iov@avs.org.hk
(Please check the Chinese version for further information.)